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19541 Sierra Soto
Irvine, CA 92603-3840

Presentation Graphics
Presentation Graphics Presentation Graphics are more than pie charts and line graphs. It's mission critical to determine the best format to take for the audience by building a strong message ensuring that PowerPoint doesn’t crash, and knowing what equipment to bring and the best way to set it up. As a presenter, your focus should be on the presentation, not the mechanics behind it. Everyone thinks PowerPoint when you mention a presentation, but don’t forget that there are other programs and media that may better capture your audience's attention. Unless you love to put these shows together like we do, use your talents elsewhere, and let Brandon Services build a memorable presentation for you.
How Do You Present?
What's your presentation style? Do you prefer to make your case one-on-one or to hundreds? Do you make hundreds of presentations a year, or only a few? Do you practice your pitch? How about that podium? Is it a prop or your anchor? Brandon Services can help you become comfortable in any presentation scenario. Being comfortable begins with your content. Don't let a screen upstage you. You are the one the audience is there to see, You are the expert who deserves the audiences' attention. Don't let your prop overshadow your expertise. Let Brandon Services take the effort out of producing your presentation so you can focus on your strengths, your content and its delivery.
Same Message, Different Wrapper
The beauty of working with digital presentations is the ease of moving your message cross-media, leveraging your original efforts by moving your message into a different medium. Start with a PowerPoint, move to the Web, add a video or push it out on to a smart phone. With the right start, you can ensure your message stays consistent while reducing your production time and expenses.
Event Staging & AV Installation Coordination
Brandon Services has experience in helping you deliver your presentation. Weve staged events for hundreds in large ballrooms, small groups in business meetings all the way down to the one-on-one sales pitches.
Powerpoint vs. Keynote
Is it just the continuation of the computer contest: Mac vs. PC? They are different technologies with different capabilities. Each has its strong-points. Do you need compatibility, what about portability? Is including media important to your message? Let Brandon Services help you deliver your presentation in the format most suited for your message and your work-flow.
Contact Brandon Services to schedule a consultation.